Ways to give:
Online 🌐
We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure platform to quickly and easily give online.
Direct Deposit
General Account:
Hunter Christian Church
BSB 650000 Acc 513043508
In description please put name and purpose. E.g. Susan Jones is paying for the Women’s Events so she would write ‘S Jones Wmns’
If you want to remain anonymous in your giving write ‘offering’ or ‘tithe’ in description
In-Person EFTPOS
We have and EFTPOS machine at our Help Desk which you can visit after church on Sunday
Cash can be placed in offering bags which are passed around during announcements at our Sunday service
Why We Give?
Everything we have comes from God. We give because we believe God has entrusted us to be leaders for hope in our church and our community.
Giving acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have (James 1:17).
Giving reflects our trust that God will provide for us (Matthew 6:19-24).
Giving allows us to be active participants in God’s work on earth (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
What are you giving to?
Building the Church
Some of the money from tithes and offerings goes to staff and operations cost of running the church, ultimately fuelling the vision of discipleship and reaching our local community.
We are involved in and give to many local and international mission projects, helping those in need and sharing the good news of Jesus!
Our church is engaged in discipling people of all age brackets and walks of life, your giving helps support these ministries.