About us.

Above all else, we’re followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that He was the Son of God. We want to welcome people to belong to a community of faith, to help them believe what God says in His word, so they become all that He intends.

Where we come from

Hunter Christian Church began in 1981 in response to a vision given by God to a number of people in a local Uniting Church. Quickly, the Church began to grow. Connect groups started, kids ministry grew and young people met on a Friday night.

After worshipping in different locations for many years, we purchased our current site (formerly Adamstown Heights Infants School) in 1991. The building has undergone much change since then, as have the people in it. We are still loving it in Highfield’s but what we love more is serving the community of Newcastle!

Where we’re going

Our aim is to have more of God’s love in the world than we did the day before. This looks like building a community that loves, worships and believes with their whole heart. Church for us is more than just one hour a week. Church is living and growing in community with God’s marvellous creation. Real life happens everyday, and we believe that you should never have to face that alone.

What does this mean for you?

Most importantly, you’re always welcome at Hunter Christian Church. We’re saving a seat for you. Wherever you’re at in your faith journey, you’ll always be accepted as part of the HCC family. Beyond that, if you’re ready to plan your first visit, learn more about our beliefs or simply like to get in touch with someone directly, click on of the buttons below.