

Mission and Vision Statement

To see a community of disciples passionately serving God, engaged in community and loving others.



We show the Love of God to others.


We are welcoming to all.


We help people grow closer to God.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our helper. 

Statement of Faith

We believe:

1. In the inspiration of the Scriptures as originally given, being without  error and the sole and final authority for all matters of belief and behaviour  (2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119:105)

2. In the eternal Godhead (Trinity) who has revealed Himself as one God (Unity) existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; distinguishable yet indivisible  (Colossians 2:9, Deuteronomy 6:4,  Matthew 28:19).

3. That the Godhead is the creator of all things out of nothing; exercising sovereign control over, and preservation of all things    (Genesis 1:1, Psalm 104:30, Colossians 1:16, Nehemiah 9:6)

4. In the test, and fall through disobedience, of  Adam and Eve resulting in a sinful nature which has been passed on to all mankind (Genesis 3:1-24, 5:3, Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12,18)

5. In man’s inability to attain to God’s righteousness through his own works  (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:18, 7:24-25)

6. In the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, being God and man (Matthew 1:18-21, John 1:1-2,14)

7. That Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, and appeared to His disciples. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)

8. In the bodily ascension of Jesus to heaven; His exaltation to the highest place of authority and power in creation; His bodily coming again the second time for His Church (Acts 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17, John 14:2-3)

9. In the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of the cross, by which we obtain remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit .(Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 9:11-12)

10. In the necessity, for believers, of water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

11. In the threefold nature of God’s work in the life of the believer – regeneration (life), empowering (power),  and sanctification (holiness)    (John 3:3-8, Luke 24:49, 1 Thessalonians 5:23)

12. In believers bearing the fruit, and exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit  (Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

13. In the healing of spirit, soul and body by God’s power as a result of the work of Christ on the cross  (1 Peter 2:24)

14. In the Lord’s Supper (Communion) for believers  (1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Matthew 26:26-29)

15. In the reality and personality of and eternal punishment for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41,  Revelation 20:10)

16. In eternal life for believers and eternal death for unbelievers (Revelation 20:11-15)

17. That there is one true universal Church made up of those indwelt  by the Holy Spirit, and that this universal Church finds expression    in many local Churches which are under the sovereign headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. These local churches exercise autonomous government under Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:2, Colossians 1:18, Matthew 16:18).

18. That government (civil and religious) is ordained of God for our good, and it is required of all believers to be submitted to the government in every way possible consistent with our faith, as set forth in the Scriptures (Romans 13:1-7).